Sunday, September 28, 2014


So I've always had this vision that I'd get married and have a team of boys. I never ever ever wanted any girls. Just thinking about the headaches I caused my mom growing up..... yeah, no. I didn't want to deal with drama queens, periods, short skirts, boobs, attitudes, pregnancy, and all that crap. I wanted 6 or 8 boys. Remember my thing with odd numbers? So when I found out I was pregnant after Losi turned 1 Mosi and I prayed and begged for another boy. Now this was before Losi turned all Terrible Twos on us, so he was super easy, calm, and just an angel. We found out we were having a girl and we were just like, "............dang it." But the rest of the pregnancy I spent convincing Mos that she was gonna be the cutest bestest little girl ever. And then I was a little disappointed only cause I really wanted Losi to have a brother. A little brother that he could show the ropes to, and play sports with, and talk about girls with, and sit around and play video games with, and just be best friends. When I thought about him having a sister I thought he would be so bored and not give rats about her. But as time went on, and Sariah came along, he's slowly been showing interest towards her. There are times where he can be protective over her. He likes to make her laugh. They wrestle and punch and shove each other on the bed after they shower. I look at Sariah and I know that she was meant to be here at this time. She is slowly, oh so very slowly, showing her brother to be patient. He's still rough with her, but all we can do is explain to him that she's still a baby and he needs to be gentle. She seriously has Mosi wrapped around her finger...... and toes, and legs, and arms. It really is the cutest thing to watch him play with her. She just adores him. And on those nights that she has nightmares or is teething and is waking up 2-3 times a night and I'm irritated because I chose to stay up til 12 camping on my Netflix shows and just want to stay laying in bed, Daddy swoops in to hold her til she calms down and falls back asleep. 
I love her big, beautiful eyes.
I love her little baby teeth.
I love dressing her up.
I love sewing little leggings for her.
I love telling her my secrets.
I love shopping with her.
I love her cute little cries.
I love her pouty lip.
I love her scrunched up nose smile.
I love her kisses.
I kinda love when she bites me in excitement.
I love that she let me paint her little sausage toes yesterday.
I love that she's a girl and a loving sister.
 I just love her.

I'm so blessed and happy to have this little girl in my life. I can't wait to see what the future holds for her. And for now I will try not to think about all the trouble she might cause me in her teenage years......

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Everything happens for a reason.

Mosi and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary a couple weeks ago. It's been a good, annoying, awesome, irritating, amazing, aggrevating, blissful, did I mention annoying, 3 years. This sums us up to a T.
Annoying much? Or in our case he just doesn't listen to me. Maybe one day he'll finally learn.....

 So we celebrated at Cheesecake Factory the year before but this year I was craving Chocolate Molten Cake from Chili's. Only the best. So we planned to go Chili's on the day of our anniversary which was a Wednesday. Mosi wanted to cut some guy's hair and play basketball that night so we decided to wait til Friday which was convenient since we were low on money. And when I say low on money I mean we would have had to just settle with sharing a meal which just isn't possible with Mosi's endless pit of a stomach. So Friday it was. Well Mosi forgot there was a football game that night so he asked me if we could go on Saturday. I rolled my eyes because I had been waiting for my molten chocolate cake all day. But being the awesome me that I am I let it slide. But I better get an appetizer and my own frekin cake! 
Saturday finally came around and we left Losi home with the grandma but we had to bring Little Miss Third Wheel aka Sariah aka Only Breastfeed and Don't Eeeeven Eat Food Yet along with us. Seriously though, her attachment to my boobs is getting slightly annoying and I need to wean her ASAP so she can start eating more solids. Anyway, so we stopped at Walmart first to pick up things we needed and let Sariah get her wiggles out. Then we finally made it to Chili's. We walked in and were seated right away. We just happened to be seated across from Mosi's coworker, Kerry, and his family. I already knew I wanted those amazing Southwestern Eggrolls. How about it was 3 eggrolls cut in half and it was $13.... Fa real? Whatever, I wanted it and it was bomb. Scarfed that down and I ordered the fajitas while Mosi got his fancy shmancy chicken entree thing. Then ordered 2 chocolate molten cakes because I wasn't about to share mine and neither was Mosi, that's why we're so skinny. We started on our dessert and Kerry and his family were just leaving so we said bye and they wished us a Happy Anniversary because they had seen my FB status earlier that week about celebrating it that weekend. After Mosi cleaned his plate and I ate what I could, we started to add up everything we ordered. We like to see who can come up with a total that is closest to the actual total. After adding it all up we looked at eachother not realizing how much everything added up to. Our car payment was coming out of this paycheck which we're always broke after. Huge palm slap to the forehead. Why we gotta be so skinny for? So we sat there waiting for our check when our server came and asked us if we knew the family sitting across from us because they just paid our tab. We stared at eachother with wide eyes. Are you serious? We sat there for a while not knowing what to do and Mosi got a text from Kerry saying Happy Anniversary we love you guys! Okay I almost cried. How thoughtful is that? Mosi told me he knew there was a reason why we shouldn't have gone Wednesday or Friday... Ya whatever Mos. So our not so smiley waiter suddenly had the biggest smile. Uhhh so do we have to tip her? She's lucky Mosi is so nice, we gave her a 20 and left. The drive back home we kept talking about how awesome that was of Kerry and his wife. We made them a cake the next day and took it to their house with some ice cream. Just a small thank you for their amazing kindness. Blessings I tell you. Hopefully one day when we're ballers we'll be able to do something like that for someone else. It truly was a Happy Anniversary! I love you Mosi!!!

It's been 3 amazing years and I couldn't be more excited for our future :)

Thursday, July 31, 2014


So here's The Happs:

-- We are starting to save up for my Ah Wong family reunion in Australia this coming April, so excited. It will be my grandpa's one year anniversary of his passing. And Mosi will be going too, yay!

-- Sariah is 8 months, has 7 teeth, can stand up by herself for a little, and walks when holding onto things or pushing her walker around. She still doesn't eat baby food, but loves to nibble on table food although I think it's more of a teether for her. She won't take a bottle or formula but likes to drink milk from a sippy cup... Don't tell her doctor.

-- Malosi is trying to talk more every day. He's a sour patch kid for sure. Sour, then sweet. But all the sweet moments remind me of how blessed I am to be his mom and how he's just being a normal kid. Patience is key. 

-- Mosi can officially register for online classes now. Things are definitely moving slowly, but at least they're moving. 

-- That's all I can think of :)

Monday, July 21, 2014


I just love the little things! Espceially when:

-- you walk past someone and they smile and say 'hi' :) Totally makes my day
-- my kids take naps together at the same time and I get time to myself
-- Mosi has clothes set out for me on the bed after I shower
-- it's overcast and windy and I'm not dripping with sweat
-- Losi wraps his arms around my neck and says 'I uhv you'
-- I see Losi laughing and playing with Riah
-- my Mom and Dad call just to say hi and check on the kids
-- Sariah's face brightens up everytime she sees me
-- my sister and niece FaceTime me
-- Mosi goes to the store to get me ice cream
-- you're having a good hair day
-- someone tells you 'you look smaller' (I hella wiiiiiish!)
-- Mosi washes the dishes
-- I can sing my heart out in the car and Mosi don't judge me
-- I get to sleep in while Mosi watches the kids
-- we get our alone time after the kids go to sleep
-- my eyebrows are on point
-- I watch Mosi play with our kids
-- someone lets you in in traffic
-- you finally beat a level on Frozen Free Fall after days of trying
-- I see the Temple down the road

It really is all about the little things.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


So I didn't take pictures of today's adventures :( because we were too busy having fun and my phone isn't waterproof. Today Tati invited us to go swimming with her and Josh(her fiancé) at BYUH's school pool. I love when she calls or texts me to hang out, anything to get out of the house! So I packed the kid's swimsuits and off we went to Tati's place. After hanging out for a bit and grabbing a bite we headed to the pool and when we got there we were told you either have to have a student ID or a pool pass. So Riah stayed with Tati and Josh and Losi and I went to the Aloha Center to get pool passes. We got our annual pool pass for $20 and headed back to the pool. As soon as I walked into the gate I saw Sariah passed out in the water with Tati. We were gone like 15-20 mins. Tati said she was having fun splashing in the water and then all of a sudden just laid her head down on her shoulder and the KO'd. So I took her out of the water, wrapped her in a towel and laid her in the stroller. She came after she woke up towards the end of our swim and swam some more. I got in with Losi and as usual he wrapped his legs around me for dear life and was a little hesistant. He started to warm up to the water but wouldn't let me hold him out by his arms. We all took turns playing with Losi in the water and Josh even dunked him under water a few times thinking he knew how to hold his breath. Good one Josh!! Losi swallowed a good amount of water and came up with some good burps. Then we started throwing him up in the air. Then I put him up on the ledge and was surprised when he actually jumped off. After that the rest was history. For the next 15-20 minutes he jumped off while I caught him, held him as he kicked his legs to the steps, climbed up the steps, running to the edge and straight into a jump! He did this until the lifeguards called out that free swim was over. I took Losi out and put a new diaper on him and put his clothes on. As soon as I took his diaper off homeboy sprinted to the deep end of the pool ready to jump. Really? Thank goodness Tati was there to chase him down. So now I really gotta keep an eye on him around the pool. Now we have somewhere to go on days when there's nothing to do and the weather is good :)
I love watching Losi get out of his comfort zone and enjoying himself. It amazes me how fast my little boy is growing. His terrible 2's definitely test my patience. Like, every single day. Sometimes I forget he's only 2 and is only acting like a typical 2 year old. Although he makes me want to pull my hair out, I love being his mom. He is just the sweetest. I love that he still wants to cuddle his mommy cause one day he'll be too old. I'm going to miss the way he randomly comes up behind me, wraps his arms around my neck, and gives me a kiss. I love my Losi Boy. I hope he nevers gets too old for his mom. 

I love you forever and ever Malosi!!!!!!