Friday, March 21, 2014


I always wanted to be a doctor or a veterinarian. As I got older I realized how much schooling I'd have to do to be a doctor and the fact that I cry at the sight of a dog with a broken leg scratches out the vet idea. I know what I want to be when I grow up, in fact I'm doing it right now and I love it!! When I grow up I want to be a mother. There is nothing else in the world I'd rather be doing. There are mothers out there that also work and you know what good for them! They are doing what they need to do to provide for their family, but I can't see myself leaving my kids with anyone. I would never ever EVER leave my kids with anyone except for my immediate family and few close friends I trust. I just can't! Especially after watching so many nanny cam videos that show babysitters pushing, slapping, hitting, and even kicking poor little babies. I mean, really?? Who frekin does that? How could anyone find pleasure in hurting a poor defenseless child? I'll stop there before I start bawling my eyes out. 
Anyway, of course I still need to get my schooling done and have a degree just in case anything happens and we are in need of a second income or something. 
I love being with my kids all day every day. The very few times Mos and I go out, the only thing on my mind are the kids. Sure Losi can make me want to rip my hair out the way he likes to ignore me and act Iike he doesn't hear me calling him, but maybe that's what I get for doing the exact same thing to my mom growing up. But overall, I have some pretty amazing kids. Losi is the sweetest little boy. Yes he is incredibly annoying when he doesn't listen, but what do you expect? He's a 2 year old. He's gentle and loving and gives the best kisses. His smile seriously melts my heart. I honestly can't describe the overwhelming love I have for the boy. It's crazy. I never understood how I was going to be able to love another child as much as I love Losi, but ever since Sariah entered this world, it made sense. It just happened, like I've known and loved her my whole life. She is a total sweetheart. She totally has Mosi wrapped around her little fingers. She is such a good baby like her brother was. Awesome sleepers these 2!! 
Anywaaaaaaays, the point of this post is........... I love being a mother. There is nothing else I'd rather be doing. Now here are some pictures of my kids. K byeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Malosi Tre Peters
Why Tre? I don't eeeeeven know. We wanted his initials to be MTP and Tre is the only T name we both liked at the time. Now we wonder why we never thought of using Mosi's mother's maiden name, Tanuvasa. Why didn't we think of it before? Ehhhh!!! Next boy. 

Sariah Elisapeta Irene Peters
My fat baby. Losi was a good size baby, but not this chunky. Started out looking like the dad, but now she's starting to resemble me as a baby.

She totally loves him. He loves her, sometimes. When he feels like it.

I can't put into words how much I love these 2 kids. Only 6 more to go!!! And my expiration date is 30 years old lol so we better get movin!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Here's a ranting post of things that I hate:

I think one of my biggest pet peeves are people that are rude and negative. Like UGHH really?! If everything that comes out of your mouth is a complaint or a rude and completely unnecessary comment then I would be more than happy to shut it for you :) Haven't they ever heard of the saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." No one wants to talk to someone that is constantly talking down about everything. At least I don't, so keep it to yourself! I'm too busy being happy, so don't bring me down with you. I don't got time for that!

You ever seen those Facebook posts of moms blogging about moms that try to be super moms? I totally agree with them. I hate when moms try so hard to show other moms up like its a competition. Hellerrrr! Stop trying to prove to other people that you're a super mom and can juggle a billion things. You don't gotta prove to no one but your kids. They try to do all these things and then end up getting frustrated with everything they're trying to juggle and then end up taking out that frustration on the kids. I don't got no time fo dat!

Fish! Okay just recently after giving birth I ate my first fish which was salmon and it was actually pretty good! I just have to tell myself it's chicken and it starts to taste like it lol but I will never ever ever ever EVERRRRRR eat raw fish!!! Everyone is always posting their poke and sushi and I'm like ewwwww.... Maybe it's the texture and smell, I don't know, but bottom line is I won't eat it. And I don't got time fo that!
(So this has been a draft for the longest time so I can just come back and write when I remember something I hate, and a couple days ago I had my first small piece of raw fish, I hated it. Almost threw up lol but I'm working on it)

So you know how people go to church to learn of Christ or worship or whatever? I swear some people go to socialize and play on their phone. Can you say irrrrritatinggg? Stay home and do that stuff. And don't go home posting something all spiritual like you were attentive the whole time. Is this you? Sorry bout it! You obviously don't got time for church. 

I live in Hawaii. It's pretty much hot all year round. I'm not a fan of heat. Actually I hate it. I sometimes wonder how I was able to wear jeans and makeup and keep my hair down while I was in college here. Every. Single. Day. Nowadays my everyday attire consists of basketball shorts, a shirt, and a bun on top of my head. During the summer, even that doesn't seem cool enough for me. I always manage to look like I just came out of a sauna. So in case you didn't know, me + heat = not friends.

I don't like shrimp. Their tiny little legs creep me out. And I don't got time to be peeling them. 

I could go on and on and on but I've left this draft unpublished for a long time so I'll just leave it at that. Now you know a few things I hate :) 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

2 Kids Later

This would be my what... 3rd time starting up my blog? Lol waste tiiiiime!!! I'm so sad my old phone, with all of Losi's pictures since he was a baby, broke! It had a swollen battery so I couldn't touch the screen and ended up going to Apple to get a new one and couldn't back up my phone on my laptop cuz my laptop was broken. So I had to hand over my phone with all my precious memories to Apple in order to get my new one. Waaaahhhh!!! At least I had some on Facebook and a few on here :)

This was the day before I got induced, took him to the temple to hang out as the only child for the last time lol

So Malosi just turned 2 the last day of January. Can't believe how fast time went by. Now we have Sariah :)

Sariah Elisapeta(my gma) Irene(Mosi's gma) Peters
6 lbs 15.2 oz
November 14, 2013

 Her birth was fast just like Losi's. I got induced because the hospital is 45 mins away and I didn't wanna risk having the baby on the way there. An hour after getting the pitocin I started getting irregular contractions for about an hour and a half and then an hour later they started coming 5 mins apart. I told my nurse I was going to be ready to push after 2 more contractions so they started getting things set up. And it seemed like they were taking their time because 2 contractions later I wanted to push but the doctor wasn't there yet so they told me not to. So there I was breathing through my contractions gripping the rails of the bed for dear life trying to keep the baby in. The nurse paged my doctor but she was still on another level of the hospital so the emergency doctors had to rush in. I tried to keep baby in but I could feel her pushing her way out and then the nurses rushed over because they saw the head (sorry for imagery but oh welllllll) and then she plopped out. Wasn't til after that I found out her cord was wrapped around her neck but everything was ok. After getting cleaned and stitched up I swear I felt like I could go running. With this pregnancy I was out walking and riding my bike everyday to get Losi out of the house and keep him entertained. I did a lot of walking compared to my last pregnancy which consisted of eating, sleeping, and watching tv in our bed every single day lol so now we have 2 out of the 8 kids that we want. Wasn't too bad! Lol I really want to pop them all out one after the other but we just don't have the room since we are still living with Mosi's family. The first time Losi saw Sariah when he came to the hospital he was all smiles :) I was expecting him to not give a rats but he actually wanted to hold her. It melted my heart to see him giving sweet kisses to his little sister.

We are still trying to get back in to school but Mosi just got denied for the 2nd time so we need to go in and talk to someone about appealing that decision since he will be more serious with his grades this time around. Mosi is still working at Bobby Benson as a youth counselor but he's finally full time now. Losi is super active and not fully talking yet but that's ok, kids develop at different speeds. He kills me with his energy though, kid is like an energizer bunny I swear. Sariah keeps getting fatter and fatter and growing way too fast. Like her brother, she started sleeping 10+ hours since she was 1 month old. Hope these good habits stick with the rest of our incoming kids. 
Other than all that, everything is still pretty much the same. Hopefully my blogging will be consistent this time.... Hahahahahahaha ya we'll see about that. 

So we went to my mom's for Christmas :) My brother and sister were there and a bunch of other family. It was the best Christmas ever!

Now some pics to keep you updated


Now you're caught up :)