Someone on Facebook posted this, I looooove it! We are all so caught up on social media- being faikaz, posting too many selfies, trying to get hella likes on witty statuses, and just killing time. Whenever I come across these reminders, it really does help me realize how much time I spend on my phone. Throughout the day I'll find myself skimming my newsfeed, waiting for something miraculous to pop up. But I see the same old selfies, the two millz workout posts, the pointless hourly updated statuses (cause we all want to know how bored you are), the same 5 pictures of one kid at different angles(okay I've been guilty of this), and the same old frekin same old. It's crazy thinking about how much time we waste. And our kids obviously notice. Just recently I downloaded a game that Losi's cousins have on their iPad that is actually pretty educational and ever since then all I hear from him ever hour of the day is 'Can...I.. Haff(have)... Phone... Peeeease!' He is working on putting sentences together. And he reminds me I'm spending too much time on my new favorite game, Frozen Free Fall.
It's pretty addicting. So I need to work on not turning to my phone every time I'm just sitting there with nothing to do. Actually, since Tati came, I've been hanging out with her a lot(fully hanging out around BYUH campus and the dorms like I don't have two kids in a stroller with me). But fa real, I'm living my college life vicariously through her. So whenever we're together my phone is the last thing on my mind. I only take it out to snap a picture or to let Losi play with it when he gets bored of our girl talk.
There is a good side to social media though, and that's keeping in touch with your families and friends. I love seeing what my families in Samoa, New Zealand, and Australia are up too, especially since I haven't seen them in YEARS. Or reuniting with long lost friends. But I've realized that not every little thing that happens in your life needs to be uploaded and shared, it really does make things more special when those moments are kept to yourself and your loved ones. So I will be trying my best not to spend too much time on my phone, especially around my kids. I need to be living more in the moment. But don't worry all you nosy people, I will still keep you updated on my life :)
And for all those people that I always seem to see glued to their phones..... Get a frekin life!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you and goodnight :)
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