Monday, July 21, 2014


I just love the little things! Espceially when:

-- you walk past someone and they smile and say 'hi' :) Totally makes my day
-- my kids take naps together at the same time and I get time to myself
-- Mosi has clothes set out for me on the bed after I shower
-- it's overcast and windy and I'm not dripping with sweat
-- Losi wraps his arms around my neck and says 'I uhv you'
-- I see Losi laughing and playing with Riah
-- my Mom and Dad call just to say hi and check on the kids
-- Sariah's face brightens up everytime she sees me
-- my sister and niece FaceTime me
-- Mosi goes to the store to get me ice cream
-- you're having a good hair day
-- someone tells you 'you look smaller' (I hella wiiiiiish!)
-- Mosi washes the dishes
-- I can sing my heart out in the car and Mosi don't judge me
-- I get to sleep in while Mosi watches the kids
-- we get our alone time after the kids go to sleep
-- my eyebrows are on point
-- I watch Mosi play with our kids
-- someone lets you in in traffic
-- you finally beat a level on Frozen Free Fall after days of trying
-- I see the Temple down the road

It really is all about the little things.

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